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Chapter By Laws

Bernardo de Gálvez Chapter #1, Sons of the American Revolution

The Bernardo de Gálvez Chapter #1 was started to celebrate and remember our patriots and their contributions to the American Revolution.

The first meeting was held December 8, 1896 as reported in the Galveston Daily News of December 9, column 3 from the left.

The current organization was reinstituted in 1986.

Our patriots lineage can be traced to our membership with pride.

In 1923 the State Society had evolved to having chapters and Chapter 1 was chartered on May 23.

We have 70 active members, with several membership applications pending. Of those members, we have 9 officers.

Along with the membership, we represent 52 patriots that fought or assisted in the fight to win this great country her independence. This patriot list includes 6 submitted as supplement applications to the SAR.

The Bernardo de Gálvez Chapter is also a community contributor, assisting the local community with educational functions, participation in parades and events as representatives of SAR, as well as conducting ceremonies and presentations on current veterans issues and events.

The Chapter also recognizes and reciprocates with The George Washington Chapter, DAR, Galveston, all able to trace lineage as Daughters of the American Revolution.

We also embody the goals and purposes of the National SAR organization that we seek to maintain and extend:

  • the institutions of American freedom
  • an appreciation for true patriotism
  • a respect for our national symbols
  • the value of American citizenship
  • the unifying force of e pluribus unum that has created, from the people of many nations, one nation and one people.

The Bernardo de Galvez Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution meets the third Saturday of every month. Guests are welcome. Please join us. Contact us here for more information.

Past Presidents:
2021 Billy Mayo
2018 William L (Bill) Adriance
2017 John Hamlin
2015 Larry Tidwell
2014 Bill Whatley
2012 Ron Whatley

2009 John P (Pete) Lennes
2007 George Dersheimer

1999 George W Cornelius
1997 J William (Bill) Love
1995 Capt. Gordon R Robinson: led procession at State Society Meeting 1996
1993 David H Peterson
1991 Clark P Wright
1990 May 4: David Peterson installed as President of the Texas society
1989 Capt. Gordon R Robinson
1987 David H Peterson

1986 November28: Reinstitution attended by Clark P Wright, David H Peterson,
Capt. Gordon R Robinson, Barry R Lussier, Col. James Wilson, Alfred E Perthuis
James L Guest, William Curry, Col. E.II Kersting, C D McBee, Edwin Pate and
Keith Peters (see the Galveston News item above)

1971 Wayne N Cox

1957 Rev. Edmond H Gibson

1941 Robert W Humphreys

1936 Robert W. Humphreys, last surviving Charter member George D Morgan attended

1914 Edward F Harris, President of the Texas Society

1910 W F Beers of Galveston

1905 Beers was Vice President

1904 President Col. I J Polk

1902 "President Ira H Evans, Wm F Beers Vice-President"

1900 "President: Major Ira H Evans of Austin"

1898 "Compatriot Ira H. Eveans of Austin, president of the society"

1896 "Officers were elected yesterday as follows: President. Hon.
Ira H. Evans of Austin, Vice president, C.W. Preston of Galveston
Second vice president, Lieutenant Colonel J. W. French of Fort Clark
Secretary, R. P. Allen of Galveston Treasurer, George D. Morgan of
Galveston Historian, S. M. Peniand of Galveston"

Footnote: Past President references are from issues of the Galveston News
of the respective dates. One note comes from the program of the Texas
Society Meeting 1996 found in the Rosenberg Library in Galveston.
Most images of references can be found in the presentations given
at the Chapter Meetings July and October 2021.
(see the Galveston News item above)