2025 Bernardo de Gálvez Chapter #1 Sons of the American Revolution
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Photographs for 2024 and earlier are found under all-galleries in the links page.
March 15: Chapter meeting:
0004 President John Loper at the Podium
0005 Invocation
0006 Kathleen could not make it due to the terrific accident at I45 and FM 646, for the future
0002 Billy Mayo shows off the 250 year SAR rifle owned by Robert Adams
0028 Front row: Billy Mayo, Pete Lennes, Clark Wright, Louis Gomez Second row: Jon Zwahr, John Loper,
David Zwahr, Guy Taylor, Robert Ginratt, Rick Sullivan, Robert Cassett Back row: Robert Adams, Austin Loper, and Caleb Loper
March 1: Eagle Scout Honor Court at St. James Presbyterian Church, LaPorte:
4739 Billy Mayo, Brandon Baker, John Loper
3803 Brandon Baker and John Loper
February 15: Chapter meeting:
0001 Lead In
0003 Pesident Loper introduces the Program from The Bryan Museum
0006 Amelia White introduces J.P. Bryon
0007 The Gage Hotel, 1 of Mr Bryans early aquisitions
0008 An early picture of the Ophan Home
0006 The Home at the time of aquisition
0010 Diversification
0011 The Period of the American Revolution
0013 Duirng the time of the Texas Revolution
0015 Age of Exploration
0016 Development of the West
0017 Art Collection
0018 Amelia White describing exhibits at the Bryan Museum
0021 Worlds Largest Published Book 2022
0022 Weddings & Corporate Events for up to 120 participants
0023 Community Day on June14 from 10AM until 5PM
0027 Ronnie Schoolcraft received his 10 year pin
0031 Amelia receiving her Certificate of Appreciation
0037 President Loper installed Guy Taylor to be our First Vice-Preident
0038 Billy Mayo presents Ronnie Schoolcraft with his 10 year certificate
0048 Members from the left, front row Pete Lenes, John Loper, Billy Mayo, Louis Garza
back row from the left David Zwahr, Albert Seguin Gonzales, Ronnie Schoolcraft,Frank Steele, Caleb Loper, Jarrod Loper,
Clark Wright and Jon Zwahr
January 18: Chapter meeting:
0002 President Loper at the podium
0006 David Zwahr working through the genealogy
Chapter Charter: photo from January 2016
January 2016 Chapter Charter for name change to Bernardo deGalvez
Photographs for 2024 and earlier are found under all-galleries in the links page
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