Bernardo de Gálvez Chapter #1 Sons of the American Revolution
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December 17, Color Guard at Wreaths Over America
December 12, Color Guard at the "Lady Washington" DAR luncheon
December 3, photos from the Chapter Activities
7265 at the Dickens on the Strand Parade
0304 President Mayo presents certificate and award to Sophia Hamdani for contributing her brochure
0307 President Mayo and Mel Oiler present Joan Linsley with her certificate for her work in education
0311 Compatriots Tom Jackson and Drake Peddie Join in the celebration with Joan
0323 Compatriot Drake Paddie installs the 2023 officers of Chapter 1
0330 Compatriot Peddie invests Hugh Ferguson with his badge of office
0331 Compatriot Peddie charge the members to support their officers
0336 Compatriot Peddie swears in our newest member, James Anderson whose Revolutionary Ancestor was Colonel Ferguson
0344 Past-President Mayo pins the SAR lapel pin on Compartiot Anderson's vest
0348 Compatriot Peddie addressing the membership
0359 Our Membership gathered for a group photograph