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Bernardo de Gálvez Chapter #1
Sons of the American Revolution

2021 Photo Gallery - You can click on the image for a larger view.
You can also drag images on screen, and open more than one image.

December 4: Dickens on the Strand Parade, thanks to Tom Jackson for most of the photos
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8736 The Boat Float
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8738 From Left to Right: Drake Peddie, Bob Johns, Tom Jackson, Zack & Bill Adriance & Hugh Ferguson
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8739 From Left to Right: Drake Peddie, Bob Johns, Tom Jackson, Zack & Bill Adriance & Hugh Ferguson
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8740 From Left to Right: Drake Peddie, Bob Johns, Tom Jackson, Zack & Bill Adriance & Hugh Ferguson
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8741 From Left to Right: Hugh ferguson, Billy Mayo, Zack Adricance, Tom Jackson, Bill Adriance, Drake Peddie & Bob Johns
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8742 From Left to Right: Hugh ferguson, Billy Mayo, Zack Adricance, Tom Jackson, Bill Adriance, Drake Peddie & Bob Johns
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8743 From Left to Right: Hugh ferguson, Billy Mayo, Zack Adricance, Tom Jackson, Bill Adriance, Drake Peddie & Bob Johns
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December 4: Installation of the 2022 officers at Kelley's with Drake Peddie officiating
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8315 President Mayo leads the Pledge to the Flag of the United States
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5305 President Peddie organizaning the Officers-Elect
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6461 The Installation
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4466 President Peddie charges the members to support their officers
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6299 Tom Jackson explaining the Patriot Medal Process
November 20, 2021 1 picture from the Meeting at Kelley's
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November 13, 2021 2 photos at the Veterans Day Ceremony held in Seabrook
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November 8, 2021 1 photo John Michael Hamlin Funeral at the Houston National Veterans Cemetery
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72368 Members of the SAR attend the funeral of Compatriot John Michael Hamlin
October 16, 2021 2 photos at the meeting held at Kelley's
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3154 President Billy Mayo presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Zach Adriance
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0199 Billy Mayo presents a Certification of Appreciation to Clark Wright
August , 2021 1 photo from the meeting held at Kelley's w ZOOM
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2525 President Mayo presents Doryn Glenn a certificate of appreciation
July 17, 2021 11 photos at the meeting held at Kelley's w ZOOM
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2912 Guy Taylor behind Clark Wright
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2913 Ron Schoolcraft, Robert Gindratt and Steve Manis
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2914 Bill Adriance managing Zoom
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2915 Zach Adriance and Josh Labay
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2916 President Billy Mayo at the Podium
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2919 The Zwahrs'
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2920 Zach Adriance receives his 5 year award
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2922 Clark Wright at the Podium: Chapter History 1896-1936
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2924 Program: The first 40 years of the SAR in Galveston
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2926 President Mayo presents Clark Wright a Certicate of Appreciation
June 19, 2021 9 photos at the meeting held at Landry's on the Seawall
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2898 Compatriots Mayo, Adriance and Ferguson
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2899 Compatriots Zwar and Belcher
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2900 Compatriots Gonzales & Schoolcraft
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2903 Compatriot Shaner with his wife Marsha
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2905 Compatriot Loper
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2907 President Mayo at the podium
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2909 Compatriot Belcher receives his Certificate of Membership
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2910 Compatriot Zwar applies the membership label pin
Memorial Day, May 31 cermony in Seabrook, 11 photogrphs
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2681: Compatriots Shaner, Loper, Adriance, Mayo in order with the folded flag
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2688: the crowd
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2695: Marching toward the staff
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May 15, 2021 8 photos at the meeting held at Landry's on the Seawall
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2828 Troy Nguyen receives his award for his speech from President Billy Mayo while Secretary John Hamlin hold Troys Certificate
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2830 Kendal Coney receiving her medal and certificate
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2832 Lorien Poster receiving her certificate
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2833 Beau Brabham receiving his certificate
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2835 Troy Nguyen giving his speech
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2838 Kendal Coney giving her speech
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2839 Beau Brabham member of Bernardo de Galvez CAR presenting his poster
May 11, Award ceremony at the League City Council, 17 photos
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May 7, at the award ceremony for JROTC, 2 photos
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Jacob Praker Awardee Ball High School
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SAR reading of the award Jacob Praker
April 24, 2021 15 photos at the meeting attended by 25
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5953 Bill&Zack Adriance
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5955 SE corner table with Secretary Hamlin in front
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5957 NE corner table with Albert Seguin Gnzales, Steve Manis, Ron Schoolcraft and webmaster Clark Wright
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5960 SE corner table with Beach Patrol recipients at the center table
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5971 several awards to the Beach Patrol, who saved fishermen off a jetty in a storm
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5990 Ron Schoolcraft with his Law Enforcement certificate and medal
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6011 john hamlin re3ceived the Distinguished Service and Bronze Good Citizenship Awards
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6037 all special award recipients
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6041 all new members
April 23, 2021 Texas A&M Maritime Academy NROTC Awards, 3 photogaphs
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2021 March 29: Color Guard attends burial of David H Peterson, 1 photo
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9626 Chapter Color Guard at Compatriot Peterson's graveside
Chapter Charter: photo from January 2016
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January 2016 Chapter Charter for name change to Bernardo deGalvez



Revised 2025feb23