Bernardo de Gálvez Chapter #1 Sons of the American Revolution
2021 Photo Gallery - You can click on the image for a larger view.
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December 4: Dickens on the Strand Parade, thanks to Tom Jackson for most of the photos
8736 The Boat Float
8738 From Left to Right: Drake Peddie, Bob Johns, Tom Jackson, Zack & Bill Adriance & Hugh Ferguson
8739 From Left to Right: Drake Peddie, Bob Johns, Tom Jackson, Zack & Bill Adriance & Hugh Ferguson
8740 From Left to Right: Drake Peddie, Bob Johns, Tom Jackson, Zack & Bill Adriance & Hugh Ferguson
8741 From Left to Right: Hugh ferguson, Billy Mayo, Zack Adricance, Tom Jackson, Bill Adriance, Drake Peddie & Bob Johns
8742 From Left to Right: Hugh ferguson, Billy Mayo, Zack Adricance, Tom Jackson, Bill Adriance, Drake Peddie & Bob Johns
8743 From Left to Right: Hugh ferguson, Billy Mayo, Zack Adricance, Tom Jackson, Bill Adriance, Drake Peddie & Bob Johns
December 4: Installation of the 2022 officers at Kelley's with Drake Peddie officiating
8315 President Mayo leads the Pledge to the Flag of the United States
5305 President Peddie organizaning the Officers-Elect
6461 The Installation
4466 President Peddie charges the members to support their officers
6299 Tom Jackson explaining the Patriot Medal Process
November 20, 2021 1 picture from the Meeting at Kelley's
November 13, 2021 2 photos at the Veterans Day Ceremony held in Seabrook
November 8, 2021 1 photo John Michael Hamlin Funeral at the Houston National Veterans Cemetery
72368 Members of the SAR attend the funeral of Compatriot John Michael Hamlin
October 16, 2021 2 photos at the meeting held at Kelley's
3154 President Billy Mayo presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Zach Adriance
0199 Billy Mayo presents a Certification of Appreciation to Clark Wright
August , 2021 1 photo from the meeting held at Kelley's w ZOOM
2525 President Mayo presents Doryn Glenn a certificate of appreciation